Linking for Learning
Linking for Learning

Linking for Learning, 4th edition: The Illinois School Library Standards sets a new level of excellence for school library media programs in Illinois and their contribution and impact on student learning.
The mission of Linking for Learning is to provide a set of standards for evaluation of school libraries across the state of Illinois and tools that support school librarians in their effort to develop a quality school library. This document provides support for growth and encouragement for collaboration with school and global entities that will empower students with the essential skills to enable them to become lifelong learners.
Linking for Learning is an accessible, current, working tool that connects school library media programs to core curriculum, information literacy and the Illinois Learning Standards. Linking for Learning focuses on the integration of information and technology into learning. Linking for Learning provides an implementation framework which emphasizes planning and assessment.
Linking for Learning is also available as an e-book from Amazon for $25.oo. Click here to order from Amazon and be sure to use Amazon Smile.
AISLE will maintain and update resources to accompany Linking for Learning 2018. Here you will find accompanying resources, including forms, sources for further information, and links to websites.